The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award is an internationally recognised program for young people, building their skills to equip them for life and work. To achieve an Award, each young person must learn a skill, improve their physical wellbeing, volunteer in their community and experience a team adventure in a new environment.

In 2022, OLMC will be running the Award at the Bronze and Silver levels for students in Year 9 and beyond.

The minimum commitment for the Bronze Award is six months. This includes partaking in the adventurous journey (three day hike, two night camp out) and attending three-four training sessions for this across the year. For Year 9, this aspect of the Award lines up with the Year 9 Camp. The cost to register for the Bronze Award in 2022 is approximately $150. There may be additional costs involved.

If your daughter is interested in completing the Bronze level of the Duke of Edinburgh Award in 2022, there will be a Parent Information evening on Thursday, 3 February at the College.



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